Max Peril wins Best Feature @ FSFX!
Being accepted into the inaugural Film Expo (part of Hattiesburg’s annual city-wide FestivalSouth arts celebration) was a thrill. Primarily because of the significance of being able to say we were part of FSFX the first year it kicked off, and also because it’s a festival just up the road from us, in a town long overdue for such an event. Given the fact that first-year festivals rarely go smoothly (understandably so), we weren’t expecting what we ended up getting at FSFX: A festival staff who were immediately-available and cheerfully willing to answer any questions we had, an absolutely stunning screening experience in a legitimate theatre, and the most pleasant Q&A session I’ve ever been a part of – largely due to the skills of gracious host/director Miles Doleac.
An “Official Selection” was a big deal for us. Winning “Best Feature” AND “Best Actor” was overload.
We left with a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. It was an experience none of us will soon forget.